Bloomsbury's award winning 'National Curriculum Outdoors - A Complete Scheme of Work' series of books for KS1, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6 offer research based objective led schemes of work for each year group, with a seres of lesson plans for English, maths, science, history, geography, art and design, design and technology, music, French language (a
Bloomsbury's award winning 'National Curriculum Outdoors - A Complete Scheme of Work' series of books for KS1, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6 offer research based objective led schemes of work for each year group, with a seres of lesson plans for English, maths, science, history, geography, art and design, design and technology, music, French language (at KS2) and RE.
The National Curriculum Outdoors series is ideal for teachers looking to use outdoor contexts as part of their everyday teaching.
Check out these sample pages:
Key Stage 1:
Year 3:
Year 6:
Sustainability and Climate Change Curriculum Outdoors: a handbook for teachers
Find out more from Bloomsbury Education:
This link takes you to the National Curriculum Outdooors webpage.
Building on the award-winning National Curriculum Outdoors series, this comprehensive handbook offers essential information for teachers and sustainability leads. It provides opportunities for critical thinking, communication skills, creative thinking, and collaboration demonstrating how we can all become agents of change while enjoying t
Building on the award-winning National Curriculum Outdoors series, this comprehensive handbook offers essential information for teachers and sustainability leads. It provides opportunities for critical thinking, communication skills, creative thinking, and collaboration demonstrating how we can all become agents of change while enjoying the benefits of outdoor learning.
Featuring exemplar outdoor learning progressions for Lower KS2 and Upper KS2, the handbook guides teachers on how to effectively apply National Curriculum science and geography programmes of study. It aligns with the DfE Sustainability and Climate Change strategy and the National Education Nature Parks program, enabling you to deliver impactful learning experiences outdoors.
See inside the book here:
Bloomsbury's award winning 'National Curriculum Outdoors - A Complete Scheme of Work' series of books provide schemes of work for each year group.
Find the free online resources to use alongside the books including curriculum maps, medium term planning and reference materials for all books in the series
Bloomsbury's award winning 'National Curriculum Outdoors - A Complete Scheme of Work' series of books provide schemes of work for each year group.
Find the free online resources to use alongside the books including curriculum maps, medium term planning and reference materials for all books in the series
The whole school curriculum coverage grid and parity grid foreach year group for the Scotland and Wales curriculum is also available
The Bloomsbury resource page includes illustrations and photos that were not included in the books, but which you may find useful.
This link will take you to the resources web page.
Purchase Bloomsbury's National Curriculum Outdoors series and find links to other publications to support your outdoor learning journey.
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The award winning 'National Curriculum Outdoors - A Complete Scheme of Work' series of books for KS1, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6 offer research based objective led schemes of work for each year group, with progression in knowledge and skill for every curriculum subject outdoors across Key Stages 1 & 2
Watch this online session, to hear from the authors themselves about how the books evolved, the research behind the content and how educators can use the books to develop a whole school approach to outdoor learnin.
If you’re looking for more ideas linked to this series of books you might like to also join the National Curriculum Outdoors Facebook group:
Don’t forget to answer the membership questions as these allow admin to tailor the content of the group to your needs and interests
Did you know that Deborah also collaborates with Ellie Jackson, author of the Wild Tribe Heroes series of books, writing the curriculum lesson plans for the series?
The Wild Tribe Heroes books are a collection of gentle true stories about animals that find themselves in trouble when their lives are affected by plastic pollution, climate c
Did you know that Deborah also collaborates with Ellie Jackson, author of the Wild Tribe Heroes series of books, writing the curriculum lesson plans for the series?
The Wild Tribe Heroes books are a collection of gentle true stories about animals that find themselves in trouble when their lives are affected by plastic pollution, climate change or habitat loss
The lesson plans are freely available to download from the Wild Tribe Heroes website.
The Wild Tribe Heroes series of books can be used to support Bloomsbury's Sustainability and Climate Change Curriculum Outdoors book, through story telling and discussion of the environmental issues explored in the books.
See what happens to the characters in the book, how they are saved and what you can do to help them!
The books can be
The Wild Tribe Heroes series of books can be used to support Bloomsbury's Sustainability and Climate Change Curriculum Outdoors book, through story telling and discussion of the environmental issues explored in the books.
See what happens to the characters in the book, how they are saved and what you can do to help them!
The books can be puchased through the National Curriculum Outdoors bookshop
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Accredited training provided by Deborah Lambert, co-author of Bloomsbury's award winning National Curriculum Outdoors series.